Legal Services

Get the help you need to understand your duties, save time, resolve issues and protect yourself as executor.

Get Ed to help you develop a Will and powers of attorney and create your estate plan.

Ed can help resolve issues with Wills, executors or trustees, settle your inheritance or receive support.
How I Help
I work by appointment only. Start with these simple steps:
Identify your needs
My team is trained to identify persons I can help the most. They will discuss any court dates or urgency.
Book your meeting
Book an initial meeting with Ed for 45 minutes. I assess your needs and explain how I can help you.
Decide to take action
You can agree with my recommendations. You hire me by signing my contract for services.
Interested in a Meeting with Ed?
Email my team to discover how you benefit. Call us if matters are time sensitive.
In a complex and increasingly-litigious area of law, you a need a highly-specialized lawyer.
As a Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law, Ed Olkovich has served as a trusted advisor to clients facing difficult estate challenges since 1978. Get Ed’s knowledge and experience working for you.