Why Listen to Me?

I am a lawyer with thirty years plus of estate experience.

Despite what you may believe, not all lawyers have DNA to know what it takes to win your case in mediation. Lawyers often learn what works by “trial and error” for each client.

In one year alone, I have used my techniques to resolve claims worth more than 45 million dollars. You can have the same success in your case no matter the size of your legal dispute.

The secrets I have discovered I will share with you.

Mediation Can Work for You

Mediation is used globally with all kinds of business, personal and legal problems. It is part of an alternate dispute resolution (ADR) system that is a growing trend to settle disputes.

You may have heard of mediation as an effective and cost sensitive way to solve misunderstandings and conflicts in:

• schoolyard interactions

• juvenile justice systems

• family counselling

• estate disputes

• community conflict resolutions

insurance cases

• business disputes

• labour and workplace conflicts

• disciplinary, discriminatory or harassment cases

• civil court systems

• institutional settings

• between governments and diplomats

Learn About Your Legal Choices

The rapid growth of mediation as an out-of-court strategy has caught the public, lawyers and mediators in an information gap.

You need to understand everyone’s role in mediation as a modern day business practice to succeed.

Is this your first lawsuit or experience with mediation?

If so, you have two choices.

You can have your lawyer teach you about mediation (I hope you don’t forget anything important at $300-$500 an hour) or, you can read this blog to keep pace with your lawyer.

These mediation secrets will give you more for your legal investment. You will cut your legal fees at least in half if you avoid a trial. You will save thousands more if you can avoid an appeal.

For some of you a lawsuit is the first time you have had to work with a lawyer in a stressful situation.

You need to know what the legal system and your lawyer have in store for you.

But I’ll tell you the scariest thing to know in the next post.