When You Prepare Your Last Will

What’s your plan to protect your family’s money after your death?

We all know family estate fights can start once you’re gone. It does not matter how much money is at stake.

You don’t have to be rich to need a will.

Wills help reduce taxes.

Your money can be wasted on unnecessary taxes and legal fees. There is no one legally in charge of your money if you don’t have a will to name an executor.

Have you made your will online or by yourself? Is it good enough?

Court costs to interpret do-it-yourself wills can top tens of thousands of dollars. Sometimes your mistakes cannot be fixed.

Invest in legal advice with an experienced estate lawyer. You can save your money and family from disasters.

Avoid Your Worst Financial Blunder

My free report helps you avoid the worst financial blunders and offers simple keys to making your will.

Don’t be afraid. Download my free report.

You can get started with no obligation. I offer simple answers to all your questions in a $375 meeting.

You can book an in-person meeting or a Zoom call. Contact my office for more information.

‘Tis The Season to Give

You can download my free report here. It is risk-free, you do not have to provide your email or any payment.

I hope you find the report helpful and welcome any feedback.

If you are interested in making a will and need help, contact me now. Schedule an appointment.

Estate law is all I do.