When Should You Resign as Executor?

Are you having doubts about being an executor of an estate? Run, don't walk, to an estate lawyer for immediate advice.


I'll tell you some stories I hear in my own law office.

I am Ed Olkovich. I am a certified specialist in Estates and Trusts Law. I give advice to executors about their legal duties. I wrote Executor Kung Fu to explain how to be an executor. You don't have to have any legal background to understand it.

First Time Executors

Some executors contact me when they start their journey. They don't know where to begin.

These executors make the mistake of thinking probate is a piece of cake. They are surprised when I tell them, "Treat it like a job that can last 2 to 3 years."

I warn them not to make any promises to beneficiaries.

Some executors contact me after 3 years working on the job. They think they are finished. But they have so many loose ends to tie up:

•  They have lost sight of the big picture

•  They forgot to order a final income tax clearance. This protects them from personal liability.

•  They almost cry when I say this takes an extra 8 months.

People ask me "When should I refuse to be an executor?"

I've written an e-book called Can Executors Dodge These Duties? (22 page PDF)

It helps executors with their job’s top 10 red warning flags. You discover how tough this job is. Then you can decide if you want to decline. 

I want you to sleep easy tonight. You can know if this job is right for you now. Click here to buy Can Executors Dodge These Duties? the e-book. You’ll get instant access.