When Changing Horses Works

The best lawyers understand their opponent’s case as well as their own.

If necessary, they are ready to change to a fresh horse in the middle of a long race.

Fighting a lawsuit means you stake out your territory or legal arguments and attack the other side’s argument with all the strength you can legally muster. Legal rules of professional conduct require lawyers to act in a civilized, not a personal, manner.

Your best interest may be served by an early resolution of your legal dispute.

However, this may only become clear to some lawyers the closer they get to the courtroom door. Your lawyer must be ready to win so you are not forced to settle if your case is not ready.

Most lawyers are objective in their advice and approach to their client’s problems. As dedicated professionals, they do worry about how clients will pay the price, not just their fees, if they lose in court.

Stay tuned for my next post to learn how you can stop fighting in court.