Use These Estate Planning Steps to Protect Your Family

Let’s look at the six steps you should take to create an estate plan. This will protect you and your loved ones from disaster:

1. Get Ready — Identify your goals, assets and debts.

2. Save Taxes — Find ways to reduce income taxes and probate taxes.

3. Make Your Will — This all-important document is your plan’s cornerstone for protecting your loved ones.

4. Pick Executors — These are the people you trust to handle your estate.

5. Benefit Beneficiaries — Choose who benefits or needs protection.

6. Protect Yourself — Through power of attorney documents you can be ready in the event that you become ill or incapacitated.

Your Estate Plan allows you to avoid crisis management and the worst things that can happen.

You should always prepare for the unexpected. Life will always throw surprises your way.

Keep in mind that, in following the six steps above, you’ll need to get professional advice. Want to do some homework to better understand these steps? Buy Breakthrough Estate Planning: Finding All the Answers You'll Ever Need.