Use the Executor Mantra to Reduce Stress

Being an estate executor is stressful.

Many people feel overwhelmed when suddenly they must take charge of an estate. You can easily make mistakes before you understand what’s involved. But now I can show you a new, stress-free way to succeed as an executor.

Of course, you need professional advice as soon as possible but…

•    Will you understand that advice?
•    Will the advice be easy to follow?
•    Will you get a roadmap that you can use?

Being an executor is like having a second full-time job; there are so many do’s, don’ts and duties. How will you cope?

The Executor Mantra: A Stress-free System

After 30 years as a lawyer, I designed a system to make probate painless. No one else teaches this system.

The Executor Mantra explains your executor duties in 3 stages.

The Executor Mantra helps you understand the steps you must follow. They all start with the letter, “P”.

Executors must:

•    Protect estate assets
•    Probate and administer the will
•    Pay all creditors and beneficiaries before they pay themselves

Remembering this sequence will help you focus on priorities. You will have a roadmap to divide all estate tasks into 3 easy to manage steps.

Step 1 Protect Estate Assets

In this section, I designed a system that will help you get organized with checklists you can use, including:

•    a protection checklist
•    self-defense moves
•    papers you must start collecting
•    a method of calculating the cash requirements on a monthly basis

You’ll find chapter summaries to help you.

Step 2 Probate is Not a Dirty Word

The mysteries and ins and outs of probate are explained. You’ll be able to follow the directions of your professional advisors as they help you fulfill your legal obligations.

Step 3 Paying Everyone

In this section you’ll learn:

•    who is to be paid first
•    how beneficiaries can ultimately get revenge
•    when you should have a lawyer respond to beneficiaries requests
•    how a release protects you
•    how to use the executor’s checklist to close the estate

Bonus Sections Include Executor Tools to Help You:

•    prepare a detailed estate inventory
•    keep cash journals and executor time logs
•    calculate your compensation and sample letters

More Special Considerations for Executors

Special assets can cause difficulties for executors.

An entire section is devoted to dealing with special assets.  These include a business, investments, real estate, and joint assets. This section is designed to help you avoid very real dangers that executors face.

Today, all of this is available to you with other special bonuses if you order Executor Kung Fu. Learn more and order here.

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