Unlocking the Secrets Behind Ontario’s Estate Trustee Pay

Are you an Ontario executor or estate trustee? This role is often considered an honour, but also a thankless job. However, by law, estate trustees are entitled to receive compensation for their care and trouble. Unless, that is, the will that appoints them specifies otherwise.

There is a widely quoted formula for executor compensation. However, all compensation is taxable income. It is always subject to will terms and the beneficiaries’ approval. If beneficiaries do not agree, court approval on a passing of accounts is required. This passing of accounts is a formal procedure under Ontario’s Rules of Civil Procedure. Executors would consult, if not formally retain lawyers to pass their accounts.

Judges decide what is fair and reasonable for estate trustee’s care and trouble. Judges have discretion to modify estate trustee compensation. This is based on five factors approved by courts since the turn-of-the-century. The five factors that affect your compensation as an Ontario estate trustee are below.

Five Factors to Executor Compensation

  1. The size of the estate or trust
  2. The care and responsibility involved
  3. Time spent performing duties
  4. Skill and ability displayed by the estate trustee
  5. Success in the estate administration

Are you going to claim compensation? Be aware of these five factors. They should be applied to your compensation claims with legal advice.

Be prepared to make a written offer to settle your compensation. If offers are not accepted, consider mediation.

If you have doubts about what compensation you may be entitled to, I can provide advice. Book a meeting today to discuss your options. If you may benefit from a second opinion, let me help you. Contact me to discuss your situation.

As a Certified Specialist, estate law is all I do.