The Top Ten Reasons to Change Your Will

Wills need to be updated to protect your loved ones. Here are some events that require you to review and possibly update your will.

  1. If you start a business.
  2. If you change your name, or anyone mentioned in the will does.
  3. If your executor/estate trustee dies or is unable to act due to age or ill health.
  4. If your beneficiary dies or becomes incapacitated.
  5. If you gifted property which you later sell or it changes substantially in value.
  6. If you divorce, separate or live with a new partner.
  7. You move from another province or country.
  8. You purchase or inherit major assets in another province or country.
  9. You have children, new stepchildren or grandchildren.
  10. You need a new guardian for minor children or to set up trusts for beneficiaries.

If you wish at any time to revoke or alter your will, consult a lawyer. Legal formalities must be observed, otherwise your wishes may not take affect. Only lawyers are qualified to give legal opinions about wills. Consult a lawyer recognized or recommended as an estate expert.

Do you have questions about updating your will? Contact me for a meeting to discuss your needs. I look forward to helping you.

As a Certified Specialist, estate law is all I do.