Tag: wills and estates

Steps to Prepare for Estate Mediation Success

To succeed at mediation, make sure you and your lawyer are prepared. Have your pre-mediation meeting before your mediation date. Here is a checklist to use before you attend your pre-mediation meeting. Checklist of Ten Things for Your Pre-Mediation Meeting Mediation offers you a shortcut to resolve…
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Common Mistakes Choosing Your Estate Executor

Some estate executors can’t handle the job. I continue to see expensive mistakes being made because the wrong executor was chosen. I’ve seen people’s last remains languish in morgues because there was no will and no executor. No one can authorize the funeral and burial. If you…
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Is Your Last Will Up to Date?

Out-of-date last wills can cause trouble for those you leave behind. I’ll give you some examples so you can avoid costly mistakes. Now is a good time to locate your original wills and powers of attorney. If you can’t find the original documents, they can’t do you…
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Can’t Find the Last Will – What Do You Do?

Here’s Chad’s story about handling an estate when he couldn’t find a will. He became an Ontario estate trustee without a will. Keep reading about our hero, Chad, if you need to handle an estate without a will. Chad was feeling overwhelmed. He had just been told…
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Stop Risking Your Family’s Future – Part 3

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of my posts in this series. What if you become incapacitated, or an illness prevents you from handling your finances? What will you do? If you don’t have a power of attorney to handle your property, your loved ones must get…
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Stop Risking Your Family’s Future – Part 2

Let’s look at the steps you need to take for your action plan. You can read my first part of this series here. You need to cover the unexpected and inevitable surprises that life throws your way. I have identified these steps everyone must take to protect…
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