Tag: wills

Why Estate Planning Mistakes Happen

Clients often do not get proper advice. This can happen when they make their own wills. They do this because they wrongly think: all lawyers are the same lawyers are not necessary a simple online will form is all they need they are not rich and don’t…
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Key Life Events Bring Estate Planning Needs into Focus

In its Executive Summary, the Canadian Task Force on Literacy states, “…financial literacy is an essential skill acquired through lifelong learning…” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Canadians and Their Money Building a brighter financial future Part of that requires everyone to have some estate literacy. This creates those…
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Do You Know Why Clients Do Not Make Wills?

The answer may be no one has sold them one.  It’s a difficult sales job. Perhaps estate advisors need to do a better job marketing and educating clients about wills? The starting point may be to give people more persuasive and easy-to-understand information. When it comes to…
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Do Clients Need EstateTherapy™?

Seminars, workshops or webinars offer excellent ways for you to emotionally connect with your audience. That’s my thinking based on re-reading an article by George Hartman in the Investment Executive (November 2010). Hartman was writing about how seminars are making a comeback. He was reviewing the 3rd…
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Divorce and Estate Planning: How does it work?

Find out this-coming Sunday. Tune in to Zoomer Radio AM740 on Sunday, February 27, 2011, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. EST and join Ed as he discusses the most pressing estate planning issues in divorce, second marriages and mixed families, on Right On the Money, with Wayne…
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Some Surprising Statistics

Wondering why you haven’t carried out your estate planning resolutions yet? According to one survey of 831 lawyers in the U.S., you may not be alone. WealthCounsel, a nationwide organization of estate planning attorneys, in its January 2011 (Trusts & Estates) magazine summarized the key finding that…
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Estate Planning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

What’s the difference between a good, bad, or ugly estate plan? Your answer may differ if you are the person creating the disastrous estate plan or a victim of poor planning. If you are a victim of bad estate planning, you have a different perspective. You could…
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Will Your Family Be Caught Unprepared in 2011?

Here is the easiest Estate Planning resolution you can keep. It’ll make sure that your family and your money are protected. Take this quiz. It’s part of my book, Breakthrough Estate Planning: Finding All The Answers You’ll Ever Need. I have included it here for your benefit….
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