Tag: toronto estate planning

Can Ontario’s New Estate Laws Hurt You?

Henry signs his will and puts it into a sealed envelope. He includes a note to his executor, Nina. Henry’s note tells Nina to have the will witnessed. But by the time the envelope is opened, Henry has died. It is too late to have Henry’s signature…
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Can Anyone Find Your Online Last Will?

Did you make your will during the pandemic? I recommend you locate the original will and review it. You may be surprised by the choices you made about who your beneficiaries and executors would be. Did You Make a Will Online? No one knows if your online…
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Common Mistakes Choosing Your Estate Executor

Some estate executors can’t handle the job. I continue to see expensive mistakes being made because the wrong executor was chosen. I’ve seen people’s last remains languish in morgues because there was no will and no executor. No one can authorize the funeral and burial. If you…
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Is Your Last Will Up to Date?

Out-of-date last wills can cause trouble for those you leave behind. I’ll give you some examples so you can avoid costly mistakes. Now is a good time to locate your original wills and powers of attorney. If you can’t find the original documents, they can’t do you…
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