Tag: probate taxes

Ontario Probate Taxes: New Rules for 2013

Are you interested in saving taxes? As of January 1, 2013, Ontario provincial probate rules have changed. New regulations will impact executors, estate advisors and your estate planning. What you know about reducing probate taxes may be obsolete. There is no longer a tax called “probate tax”…
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Are Probate Problems Driving You Crazy?

If you are an executor, are you having problems probating an estate? You may be trying to figure out what you are supposed to do first. As an executor, you deal with accountants, lawyers and investment advisors. Angry and disappointed beneficiaries can make your stress levels soar….
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10 Reasons Why Estate Planning Stinks

Here they are. Don’t worry, I will give you the antidotes in future posts: 1. Thinking about death It may be frightening, but it’s inevitable. So why wait? 2. Taxes Income, estate, and probate taxes…need I say more? You do not have too pay too much. 3….
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