Tag: Powers of Attorney

End of Life Decisions: What is Next for MAiD in 2024

You want to know more about end-of-life decisions. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) was illegal under Canada’s Criminal Code. It was considered homicide or assisted suicide. In 2014, Quebec introduced an Act respecting end-of-life care. In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada in the Carter decision held…
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Stop Risking Your Family’s Future – Part 3

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of my posts in this series. What if you become incapacitated, or an illness prevents you from handling your finances? What will you do? If you don’t have a power of attorney to handle your property, your loved ones must get…
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Using Powers of Attorney for Property in Ontario

“What do I need to know about using powers of attorney for property in Ontario?” Dorothy was asking this question sitting in my Toronto law office. Dorothy needed to act under a power of attorney (POA). “What is the law in Ontario?” she asked. “Let me give…
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How Joint Liability Creates Estate Problems

I am talking about Joint and Several liability in an estate context today. Let’s look at the joint liability of executors, or estate trustees, in estates. Next, I‘ll give you dangers you can avoid when making powers of attorney. Estate Executors Let’s say you and your cousin…
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What Are the Three Estate Planning Documents You Need?

Your Estate Plan has a variety of tools, including these three documents: 1) Will to name executors to distribute your property. 2) Power of Attorney for your financial affairs. 3) Power of Attorney for health-care decisions. You may be nervous about dealing with lawyers and professionals. But…
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Your Estate Planning Summary

Here is a summary of what your Estate Plan does to save you time and money. It will help you organize your thoughts for when you meet your lawyer. Let’s look at the essential documents you’ll need: 1. Will •  Names an executor and backup executor • …
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Can Estate Planning Save Lives?

You never know who may be touched by an organ donation. Read real life stories of my good friend, Dr. Thomas Egan, in North Carolina. His work is saving lives. Visit Lunginabag.com for more. You can also save lives. You can sign a donor card. Tell your…
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