Tag: ontario probate

When Do You Start Work as An Ontario Executor?

The best answer is, before someone dies. Some people are meticulous about how their personal effects are to be divided. Personal effects, unless extremely valuable, are not usually itemized in a person’s will. Most people do not sweat making a list of their contents. This is not…
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Advice – Executors, Always Talk to an Estate Lawyer First

Albert didn’t bother talking to a lawyer. He wasn’t sure if he was playing it safe. Albert was executor of his uncle’s small estate. He didn’t realize, however, the size of the estate’s liabilities. His uncle’s RRSPs were transferred directly to his designated beneficiaries. Unknown to Albert,…
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Can’t Find the Last Will – What Do You Do?

Here’s Chad’s story about handling an estate when he couldn’t find a will. He became an Ontario estate trustee without a will. Keep reading about our hero, Chad, if you need to handle an estate without a will. Chad was feeling overwhelmed. He had just been told…
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