Tag: make a will

Making Wills Easy New Summer Series

Introduction Do you think you don’t need to make your will? This summer series will help you understand why that is a costly mistake you can avoid. If you think you are not ready to make your will, this summer series will get you in the mood….
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Are You an Estate Planning Zombie?

Zombies are mindless but far from harmless. Zombies approach estate planning in a similar way. Are you mindlessly wandering, like a zombie, without a will or estate plan? Put your heart and mind into protecting your family. Discover the Perfect Plan to Protect Your Loved Ones. Zombies…
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Estate Planning Benefits – News You Can Use

How can you take good care of the ones you love? Read Bob Aaron’s article in his Toronto Star column. He explains what a will and an estate plan can accomplish. You will find valuable tips on: dangers of wills kits dealing with digital assets what happens…
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“Wills and Estate Planning” with Ed Olkovich

 Event Notice: On Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 at Brentwood Library, Ed Olkovich will share his expert tips about making a will. For more information, click here: TPL Wills and Estate Planning – Money Matters – Feb 11 2014.  

Making Your Will – Where Do You Start?

Have you put off writing your will or thinking about estate planning? Perhaps you wanted to wait until you have had more time to ponder all your choices. At least that’s how you rationalized it. But if you don’t write a will, you cannot protect your family…
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Not Everyone Can Make a Will

Lawyers have a duty to assess Jeremy’s father’s competency to make a will.  This is a legal and ethical responsibility that lawyers have, especially in dealing with the elderly. Lawyers must be prepared to testify in court, if necessary, to defend the wills they prepare. This means…
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