Tag: make a will

DIY Wills: The Costly Mistake You Might Be Making

Do-it-yourself and online wills are all the rage again. But do you know that they can lead to estate problems? Most people do not know or understand property law, family, estate and tax laws to prepare wills that don’t create complications or legal concerns. If what you…
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No Will? What’s Wrong with That?

In one case, deceased’s children could not agree who was to sell the family’s home for two years. On the day we appeared before a judge to decide who would list the home for sale, the siblings changed whom they would support. A new arrangement was made…
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Can Anyone Find Your Online Last Will?

Did you make your will during the pandemic? I recommend you locate the original will and review it. You may be surprised by the choices you made about who your beneficiaries and executors would be. Did You Make a Will Online? No one knows if your online…
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Is Your Last Will Up to Date?

Out-of-date last wills can cause trouble for those you leave behind. I’ll give you some examples so you can avoid costly mistakes. Now is a good time to locate your original wills and powers of attorney. If you can’t find the original documents, they can’t do you…
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Stop Risking Your Family’s Future – Part 2

Let’s look at the steps you need to take for your action plan. You can read my first part of this series here. You need to cover the unexpected and inevitable surprises that life throws your way. I have identified these steps everyone must take to protect…
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