Tag: legal fees

Dirty Fighting with Lawyers

Bob: “You are my lawyer, Jack, and you have to know. Ron is going to fight to get what he wants.” Jack: “That’s why the secret to success is to find out what Ron wants and to see if you can give it to him.” Bob: “Isn’t…
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Why Do Most Cases Settle?

Q: Why do so many legal disputes never get to the courtroom to be resolved? A: You stop paying someone to bang your head against a wall. Cases settle before trial because you risk so much if you lose. You could end up paying your lawyer and…
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What Is Your Real Legal Issue?

Reconsider why you are in involved in a legal dispute. Not every grievance warrants going to court. Why? Anything can go wrong at trial. Lawyers know they lose cases that cannot be lost. They also win cases that cannot be won. It’s more than just a roll…
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Avoid the High-Price of Justice

 On August 15, 2011, the Toronto Star published an online editorial article about the high costs of Canadian justice. The editorial quoted Canadian Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, who said Canadians feared launching lawsuits because of expenses and delays. No wonder statistics consistently show that 95% of cases…
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What Your Lawyer Should Do in Your Lawsuit

You need to discuss mediation options with your lawyer. The sooner you do, the better. If your lawyer has already discussed mediation with you, then you will find this information helpful to avoid failure and cut legal expenses. If you have a legal problem, it can take…
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Can You Guarantee Your Lawyer Will Win?

  You may not think of lawyers, except perhaps in a negative way, until you need one.  Then you have no clue what lawyers do or what to expect. You are not sure of your role as client, or what part you should play in the legal…
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Mediation Secrets – Warning to Beginners

Are you struggling with a legal dispute that keeps you awake at night? Perhaps you were fired from a job, injured in a car accident, served with divorce papers or sued for no good reason. If you have something to lose like money, your livelihood, business, reputation…
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