Tag: help with wills

Making Your Will – Where Do You Start?

Have you put off writing your will or thinking about estate planning? Perhaps you wanted to wait until you have had more time to ponder all your choices. At least that’s how you rationalized it. But if you don’t write a will, you cannot protect your family…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 2 of 2

Welcome to Part 2 of How Estate Smart Are You? Test yourself by selecting True or False for each question. Read the answers below. 6.     I can change my will by initialling the changes on the original documents. True □  False □ 7.     My spouse…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 1 of 2

Test yourself – select True or False for each question. Then read the answers below. 1.    I need a lawyer to make a will. True □  False □ 2.    Common-law spouses automatically inherit their partner’s estate in Ontario. True □  False □ 3.    I own everything jointly…
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