Tag: help for executor

Costly Mistakes Ontario Executors Must Avoid

Executors must not … Your Executor Duties Make You Responsible for Your Mistakes Handling an estate is complicated. Research proves that people don’t know what to do. Read my free report, Suddenly You’re an Ontario Executor. You will learn how to: · reduce the stress of being…
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Recent Last Will Cases in Ontario

There is a great deal of confusion about how to make wills. Clients are confused. They visit American estate planning websites where different estate and tax laws and are used. In some jurisdictions, digital wills are allowed. Here’s an example of what can go wrong in Ontario….
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Can Ontario’s New Estate Laws Hurt You?

Henry signs his will and puts it into a sealed envelope. He includes a note to his executor, Nina. Henry’s note tells Nina to have the will witnessed. But by the time the envelope is opened, Henry has died. It is too late to have Henry’s signature…
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