Tag: help for estate trustees

You Can Stop Worrying About Your Estate Questions

Are you involved in an estate? You may be nervous, stressed, and overwhelmed. You do not want to make costly mistakes or need to start over. Welcome to MrWills.com. I am Ed Olkovich, an author, lawyer, and Certified Estate Specialist. I know every estate has different challenges…
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Recent Last Will Cases in Ontario

There is a great deal of confusion about how to make wills. Clients are confused. They visit American estate planning websites where different estate and tax laws and are used. In some jurisdictions, digital wills are allowed. Here’s an example of what can go wrong in Ontario….
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When Do You Start Work as An Ontario Executor?

The best answer is, before someone dies. Some people are meticulous about how their personal effects are to be divided. Personal effects, unless extremely valuable, are not usually itemized in a person’s will. Most people do not sweat making a list of their contents. This is not…
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Advice – Executors, Always Talk to an Estate Lawyer First

Albert didn’t bother talking to a lawyer. He wasn’t sure if he was playing it safe. Albert was executor of his uncle’s small estate. He didn’t realize, however, the size of the estate’s liabilities. His uncle’s RRSPs were transferred directly to his designated beneficiaries. Unknown to Albert,…
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Executors Need to Use Blueprints

It can happen overnight – suddenly, you’re an executor. You are put in charge of an estate. You have to probate a will. You need answers to your questions. What is an executor supposed to do? What do good executors do first? As a Certified Specialist in…
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