Tag: executors

Is There a Cure for Executor’s Disease™?

Do you play any sports? Maybe golf, tennis, or soccer? Each sport is played with a different set of rules. Unless you understand the rules, you cannot win. Similarly, you must understand the rules for protecting your money and family. Unless you understand the fundamentals, you will…
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Use the Executor Mantra to Reduce Stress

Being an estate executor is stressful. Many people feel overwhelmed when suddenly they must take charge of an estate. You can easily make mistakes before you understand what’s involved. But now I can show you a new, stress-free way to succeed as an executor. Of course, you…
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Executor Workshop – Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Complete Start-to-Finish System In 90 minutes, you’ll learn how to save time and money as an executor. Read more here and get a bonus for registering today. Here is what other attendees have said about this program: “Good seminar. Helpful advice given in a clear, easily…
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Are Probate Problems Driving You Crazy?

If you are an executor, are you having problems probating an estate? You may be trying to figure out what you are supposed to do first. As an executor, you deal with accountants, lawyers and investment advisors. Angry and disappointed beneficiaries can make your stress levels soar….
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Executor Dictionary A-Z

I am starting a new executor (“estate trustees” in Ontario) dictionary. I am starting with this word: accounts. Accounts – What happened to the estate’s money? Accounts contain a record of an executor’s financial dealings for the estate. Accounts or an accounting are the executor’s statements or…
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