Tag: executors

Healthy Executors are Not at Risk

Let me clarify that headline: All executors are at risk if they do not understand their legal duties. You can be attacked by estate beneficiaries, taken advantage of by smooth sales people, and even get sued. I encourage executors and estate trustees to get proper legal advice….
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Executors: Change the Locks to be Safe Not Sorry

Real estate creates a different set of responsibilities for estate executors. If you are the legal representative of an estate, consider the real estate issues in this post. It’s important to get the right legal advice to protect yourself. You never know who may have a key…
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How Joint Liability Creates Estate Problems

I am talking about Joint and Several liability in an estate context today. Let’s look at the joint liability of executors, or estate trustees, in estates. Next, I‘ll give you dangers you can avoid when making powers of attorney. Estate Executors Let’s say you and your cousin…
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Are You at Risk?

Your loved ones could be at risk. Use this checklist to make sure you have protected them. Answer each question with a "yes" or "no" response. 1. I have a written plan to protect loved ones if something happens to me. 2. I have named  executors plus…
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The 6 Causes of Estate Disputes You Can Avoid

Estate lawsuits also include legitimate legal issues among relatives and heirs. Here are six common mistakes you can make: 1. Poor planning decisions: depending on a homemade or do-it-yourself will. 2. Bad executor choices: naming people who are not stable, financially capable, or trustworthy. 3. Using the…
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