Tag: executor’s disease

How Executors Learn on the Job

If you are going to be an executor or choose one for your will, there’s more you need to know. You should know that being an executor is not a badge of honour or distinction. Your job responsibilities are demanding and can take a year or more….
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Could Your Choice of Executor Be A Nightmare?

What does Executor’s Disease™ do to executors? It can make them easy targets for lawsuits. If you are choosing or going to be an executor, you must educate yourself. Executor Symptoms Estate lawsuits can also be aimed directly at executors. People can attack and hold executors personally…
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Why Is It Always About the Money?

I am going to talk to you about money. Money is what people fight over. Sure, they may use other excuses, but what everything boils down to is money or what it represents. My perspective, as a lawyer, is different. I do estate planning but also help…
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