Tag: Estate Planning

Tips on Growing Your Estate

Listen in this-coming Sunday. Tune in to Zoomer Radio AM740 on Sunday, May 8, 2011, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. EST and join me, on Right on the Money with host, Wayne Baxter, CFP, of Investment Planning Counsel. I will discuss basic tips and tricks on growing…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 2 of 2

Welcome to Part 2 of How Estate Smart Are You? Test yourself by selecting True or False for each question. Read the answers below. 6.     I can change my will by initialling the changes on the original documents. True □  False □ 7.     My spouse…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 1 of 2

Test yourself – select True or False for each question. Then read the answers below. 1.    I need a lawyer to make a will. True □  False □ 2.    Common-law spouses automatically inherit their partner’s estate in Ontario. True □  False □ 3.    I own everything jointly…
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Are You a Parent Without a Will?

You can use this easy bucket list of estate planning tips. Are you a parent that worries like Sarah, Connie or Steve? Sarah and her husband are taking their first break away from their 5-year-old twins. The parents have no wills. Connie is taking a retirement cruise…
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Wondering About Taxes and Estate Planning?

Learn how it works this-coming Sunday. Tune in to Zoomer Radio AM740 on Sunday, April 10, 2011, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. EST and join me, on Right on the Money with host, Wayne Baxter, CFP, of Investment Planning Counsel. I will discuss the tax mistakes people…
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Key Life Events Bring Estate Planning Needs into Focus

In its Executive Summary, the Canadian Task Force on Literacy states, “…financial literacy is an essential skill acquired through lifelong learning…” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Canadians and Their Money Building a brighter financial future Part of that requires everyone to have some estate literacy. This creates those…
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Do You Know Why Clients Do Not Make Wills?

The answer may be no one has sold them one.  It’s a difficult sales job. Perhaps estate advisors need to do a better job marketing and educating clients about wills? The starting point may be to give people more persuasive and easy-to-understand information. When it comes to…
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Do You Need to Become an Estate Therapist?

Too many clients have the wrong approach to estate planning. They think of it as preparing for death and dying – two terrifying taboos. As I’ll explain, this is not the approach here, at EstateTherapy.com. I want you to see estate planning in a new light. Estate…
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Are You Estate Illiterate?

Have you heard of the Task force on Financial Literacy? (www.financialliteracyincanada.com) It describes the need for lifelong learning when it comes to Canadians and their money.  But what does it say about what happens to your money and family when you are gone? The Task Force released…
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