Tag: Estate Planning

Why Is It Always About the Money?

I am going to talk to you about money. Money is what people fight over. Sure, they may use other excuses, but what everything boils down to is money or what it represents. My perspective, as a lawyer, is different. I do estate planning but also help…
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Estate Planning in the Ontario Wedding Season

It’s summer and everyone gets invited to a wedding. Did you know that a marriage revokes all wills? There are exceptions for those wills expressly made in contemplation of marriage to a new spouse. In a Second Marriage Marriage creates new property, support and tax rights for…
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Estate Planning Quick Start

Start By Creating an Inventory of What You Own You can do this by drawing a circle on a piece of paper. Everything you own fits into this circle. I call this your estate pie. The three slices in your estate pie are your Will Assets, your…
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How to Keep Your Family Safe This Summer

Hot summer days bring back memories of the sun and the family swimming at the beach. And when your family packs up for a summer trip, their safety is always your concern. You can protect your family with this quick estate planning review in a matter of…
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Your Estate Planning To-Do List

Get tips for your own estate planning to-do list this Sunday, June 5, 2011, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. EST. Tune in to Zoomer Radio AM 740. Join me on Right on the Money with host, Wayne Baxter, CFP, of Investment Planning Counsel. We will discuss what…
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Estate Advisors – Are You Protected?

How can advisors avoid liability when doing estate planning? This issue always draws extra attention in professional meetings. I chaired a programme this week called, “Beyond Estate Planning Essentials” for the Ontario Bar Association. The audience of estate advisors included lawyers with private firms, and trust, tax…
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Is There a Cure for Executor’s Disease™?

Do you play any sports? Maybe golf, tennis, or soccer? Each sport is played with a different set of rules. Unless you understand the rules, you cannot win. Similarly, you must understand the rules for protecting your money and family. Unless you understand the fundamentals, you will…
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