Tag: estate executors

Healthy Executors are Not at Risk

Let me clarify that headline: All executors are at risk if they do not understand their legal duties. You can be attacked by estate beneficiaries, taken advantage of by smooth sales people, and even get sued. I encourage executors and estate trustees to get proper legal advice….
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Executors: Change the Locks to be Safe Not Sorry

Real estate creates a different set of responsibilities for estate executors. If you are the legal representative of an estate, consider the real estate issues in this post. It’s important to get the right legal advice to protect yourself. You never know who may have a key…
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What Do You Do If The Will Is Ambiguous?

My wife told me that her dream had an important warning. She described the characters in her dream. “They were wearing red coats. Red means risk and danger,” she said. “Don’t take any unnecessary chances today.” I’m no Sigmund Freud when it comes to interpreting dreams. But…
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Do Estate Disputes Require Estate Lawyers?

Estate disputes are common events. These disputes range from seating arrangements at a funeral home to court cases contesting a will. Are you an executor or, in Ontario, an estate trustee? You must hire lawyers to perform legal work. If you do, are you, as executor, liable…
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Executors: Are You Losing Sleep Over These Issues?

Most estate executors have no idea how to handle probate matters. Executors without a plan have more chance of stress than success. You are not alone when it comes to having estate nightmares. I have prepared a common list of fears that keeps executors up at night….
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Executors: Learn Your Essential Estate Duties

Are you an estate executor? A relative, friend or business associate could ask you to handle their estate. Studies show you probably don’t know what you are supposed to do. I have created a free ebook about your duties as an executor. You need a plan to…
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Choose The Right Estate Executor

When choosing estate executors, my clients often tell me: • I am afraid of choosing the wrong executor • I have no options when choosing my executor • I postponed making my will because I didn’t know who to choose. As an estate lawyer, I help clients…
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