Tag: estate disputes

Estate Lawsuits with Common Law Spouses

Let’s look at lawsuits between common law spouses over property. In my thirty years of experience, these cases are bitterly contested. I will explain how a lawyer can attack or defend an estate. The Kerr decision gives a template for common law spouses to resolve their property…
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Solve Problems with Estate Mediation

Is an estate dispute causing you stress? These problems can eat up time and money. I know the best way to resolve them. You might think “This sounds too good to be true, Ed.” Well, your lawyer can’t guarantee you’ll win in court. You could end up…
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Your Estate Planning Mistakes Could Be the Problem

The rate of increase in estate disputes is climbing. If you are like most people, you haven’t anticipated these types of problems. As a result, you won’t develop self-defence strategies. Sure, you’re ready to object: “My family will never get nasty. They won’t argue over what they…
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Beware the Dangers of the Courtroom

Believe me, a courtroom is the worst place to find solutions to your legal problems. I want you to know the real dangers of going into the courtroom. Why? One slip can make a difference between failure and victory in your lawsuit. So avoid the torture of…
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