Tag: advice for executors

Executors Need to Remember These Estate Tax Tips

Are you an estate trustee, wondering if you need professional tax help? You may say, “Why bother? After all, I prepare my own personal tax returns.” The risks are too great to do it yourself. I recommend clients avoid these risks. Forget about doing estate tax returns…
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Toronto Library Seminars for Executors

Are you planning your estate or running an estate? What do you know about probate? You don’t need to go to graduate school to be an executor/estate trustee. You do, however, need to have an overview of the probate process. What happens to an estate is everyone’s…
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Ontario Estate Trustees Need to See the Big Picture

Gordon was a frazzled executor of a friend’s estate. He was getting phone calls from Simon, a beneficiary named in friend’s will. Simon wanted to know, “Where’s my inheritance? I was supposed to receive a third of the estate residue.” Gordon was running out of excuses to…
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Why Pity the Estate Executor?

Can you imagine you’re suddenly an executor? Like most executors, you don’t have any experience handling an estate. Your new workload feels like you’ve just have taken on another full-time job. Estate Disputes Can Be Horrible You can now find out now that you’re going to be…
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How Estate Executors Hire Lawyers

This is one of the first decisions you get to make as an executor. Choose wisely – changing lawyers is time-consuming and expensive. After you do your preliminary research, interview prospective candidates. Look for referrals and search law firm websites. Note: Some estate problems will call for…
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