Star Wars and Estate Executors – Are They Connected?

Luke Skywalker may have used The Force only since the 1977 movie was released. But the dark side of the Force deals with evil. Evil has always been part of our human story.

This dark side often reveals itself in the world of estates. It is, after all, where executors find that the roads of gold and greed frequently intersect.

Executors travel past these roads to fulfill their estate duties. How they manage their responsibilities without advice is a mystery to me. It is something I have written about in Executor’s Disease™.

What Can Go Wrong for Executors?

Executors who go to jail do not usually give interviews.

Writers Jacquie McNish and Paul Waldie of Saturday’s Globe and Mail offer a unique insight. They interviewed Barry Landen in jail for a cover story called, “The Dark Side of Canada’s Inheritance System”.

The story is about mining company founder, Paul Penna. He took the trouble of making a will to protect his last wishes. His executor was to ensure his $24 million estate benefitted his chosen charities and causes.

Instead, what happened was that an executor plundered the estate.

Many Needy Depend on Their Inheritance

The writers discuss many morals in this tragic tale. These problems can start when the wrong executor is chosen to handle and estate.

How do you avoid these problems? Even if you have a modest estate, you should never underestimate the power of greed when it comes to estate gold.

Want More Executor Tales and Tips?

Read my eBook, Executor’s Disease™. I will be posting excerpts from it here.  You can also get Choosing Executors: Your Formula for Success. Download it instantly here.