The Estate Blog

3. Investments and Commercial Real Estate

If there are investments, you will need to prepare a prudent investment plan. If not, you could be held liable for losses on any stock portfolio. You must obtain a proper rate of return on estate investments. Don’t think you can just sell the stocks and put…
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1. The estate is broke.

Consider this: if you are an executor with any of these headaches, you need expert estate advice. The estate is broke. If there are more liabilities than assets, think twice about getting involved. There may not be money to pay your fees or even lawyers’ fees to…
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How Can Wills be Made in the Future?

Can you make your will with Alexa or Siri? Artificial intelligence may take over our lives. Voice activated search may eliminate smart phones and keyboards. Voice activated technology has already intruded our privacy and homes. The answer is ‘No’ to electronically signing wills when it comes to…
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Can You Dictate Your Last Will with Google?

You are brushing your teeth in the morning when it happens. You recall your daughter, Sandra, did not call you on your birthday yesterday. Your blood begins to boil. AGAIN. You know this may be petty. But despite your attempts to control your parental anger, you say…
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Scammer Warning – Take Caution – Relatives’ Money

Regrettably, someone has been impersonating me. They have copied my website and changed all contact information. They are sending faxes and emails claiming to be me. Correspondence about money that you receive is not from my office. This is a phishing attempt by scammers for improper purposes….
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