Ontario Executors Start Your Estate Journey with This Free Report 

I have written a free report to help Ontario executors. It is called, Start Your Ontario Executor Journey Here. You’ll find it on my website.

This report is based on my experience as an Ontario Law Society Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law.

I have included information that I share with estate executors in my office.

This report helps executors understand the three stages to handling an estate.

Here are the three stages to probating an estate:

  • Protect the assets and beneficiaries
  • Pay bills and distribute the estate

You can find the free report at this link.

Probate Rules and Requirements

Locating the original will is your first requirement.

Then you need to confirm the will is valid.

That requires that you to seek legal advice.

Your financial adviser or accountant is not qualified to give legal opinions. You should not distribute or give away any items without getting estate advice. Your estate lawyer must read the will. Lawyers can then advise you of Ontario’s estate requirements and deadlines.

Don’t Be Mislead by Executor Checklists

Executor checklists are not legal advice. They may help you keep track of things, but they won’t tell you what the law or will requires you to do. You need to follow estate probate rules and requirements. That requires more than common sense or business sense.

The law treats Ontario executors/estate trustees as fiduciaries. That means you must control and be responsible for another person’s money. You must keep records and account for every penny.

And don’t forget to pick up a copy of my free report, Start Your Ontario Executor Journey Here.