Need a Certified Specialist in Estates Law?

You know what a medical specialist does, but what about a legal specialist?

In Ontario, the body that licenses lawyers is called the Law Society of Upper Canada. It has a certified specialist program for specific areas of law, including estates and trusts.

The program recognizes lawyers who have met the established standards of experience and knowledge requirements. These lawyers have maintained exemplary standards of professional practice.

In areas of Estates and Trusts Law, here is what the classification means:

 Estates and Trusts deals with assisting clients to plan for incapacity and the succession of their assets, having regard for their express wishes, the nature and magnitude of their assets, the circumstances and needs of beneficiaries, the tax effects of death, and all statutes and rules of law governing these matters.

It also deals with preparing the documents required to give effect to such plans – especially wills, powers of attorney and inter vivos trust instruments, advising and assisting attorneys and trustees in the execution of their duties, and beneficiaries and claimants against estates and trusts of their rights.

Estates and Trusts deals with administering estates and trusts and acting as counsel, or instructing counsel, in litigious matters on behalf of trustees, attorneys, beneficiaries, and claimants against estates and trusts.

 Not everyone needs to see a specialist.

Specialists handle complex and tax based estate planning. Often, they do not advise executors on estate administration issues.

The area of estate disputes involves lawsuits and litigation. This is yet another area that not all specialists handle.

 Are there advantages to hiring a specialist?

  • Usually specialists can identify complex areas of the law that require special care. Their experience can often be an advantage in quickly finding solutions.
  • In order to maintain their designation, specialists must also meet annual standards of continuing legal education. This ensures that they are familiar with new developments.
  • The public benefits from lawyers who are familiar with current standards and legal decisions.

If you are looking for a certified specialist in Estates and Trusts Law in your neighbourhood follow this link to the law society: