How Do You Reduce Tax with Estate Planning?

Taxes are always confusing. Tax laws change daily. How are you going to stay on top of all this? You must rely on professionals to give you proper advice.

Paying taxes can eat up your estate’s assets and destroy your dreams for your family. You can, however, plan now to give those you love more and the government less.

Not having a will and estate plan is probably the biggest waste of your money. Not having a will can mean you end up paying all the taxes the government can collect.

It does not have to be that way. You can learn how to avoid the 7 costliest estate planning mistakes. These include:

Mistake #1 Never finding time to begin
Mistake #2 Not understanding how to give all your stuff away
Mistake #3 Failing to save taxes
Mistake #4 Not understanding that you need to invest in a professionally made will
Mistake #5 Not protecting yourself from financial abuse or medical decisions
Mistake #6 Forgetting to consider these 3 special estate planning elements: business, life insurance and gifts to charities
Mistake #7 Failing to keep your estate planning documents up to date.

There are essential to save taxes you can read in Breakthrough Estate Planning. Read a sample chapter here.