Executors – Know This Before You Hire a Lawyer

As an executor you have all the responsibilities of being in charge of the estate. You need a lawyer who can help ensure things go smoothly. Here is a list of factors to help find the right lawyer.

•    Remember – you are not bound to hire a lawyer who may be named in the will.
•    Not all lawyers are equal.
•    Lawyers restrict their practices. Some are certified as specialists. This means that the person practising family law may not have any experience administering an estate.

Interview a Number of Lawyers Before You Hire

Even lawyers who prepare wills and do estate planning, frequently do not handle other estate matters.  They may lack experience to probate a will or to deal with contested estates.

You need a lawyer who can explain, in plain English, what you are legally required to do.

Do you anticipate that there will be disagreements or disputes in the estate? Make sure you get a lawyer experienced in dealing with conflicts.

You do not want to have to change lawyers later. This will only give you more headaches and increased legal costs.

Do you want to learn more about being an executor?

Sign up for my executor workshop – “Suddenly You Are An Executor…Now What?”

It’s designed for executors to help them understand their responsibilities handling an estate. Learn what you need to do from start to finish.

Find out all of this in a fast track webinar. You will get the benefit my experience as an estate specialist.

Who Should Attend the Executor Workshop?

It’s designed for those handling or about to handle an estate. No prior experience or technical skills are required. You can even get to ask questions before and during the webinar.

Here’s is what you’ll learn:

•    The executor mantra to keep you focused
•    The circle of 5 responsibilities an executor has
•    The list of duties you must perform
•    The 3 steps every executor must follow
•    A copy of the Missing Executor Handbook

If you wait you may regret it. Sign up today as space is limited.