Executors – Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring Your Probate Lawyer

Looking for a lawyer is a terrifying experience. I can give you some pointers to avoid making a costly mistake in this post.

Even I know how hard it is to find the right lawyer. I hired lawyers for clients and my own business needs. Like you, I wonder, if the lawyer will:

• Know what I need
• Be able to understand me
• will I be able to understand my lawyer
• Be the right lawyer for the job
• Give me advice I can follow

Here are some questions you should ask over the phone before you set up an in-person meeting:

1. How many estates have you settled?

2. Have you resolved estate disputes through mediation?

3. Do you have experience with contested estate matters?

4. Can you handle the sale of real estate or assets under the terms of the will?

5. Can you explain how my questions will be answered?

You can get help finding the right probate lawyer wherever you live. It’s easy – sign up for my Executor Workshop: Suddenly You’re An Executor…Now What? It’s designed for executors to help them understand their responsibilities in handling an estate.

Learn what you need to do, from start to finish.

Find out all of this in a fast track webinar. You will get the benefit my experience as an estate specialist.

You’ll learn:

• The executor mantra to keep you focused
• The circle of 5 responsibilities an executor has
• The 3 steps every executor must follow

Register for the workshop here and you’ll also receive a copy of the Missing Executor Handbook.

Space is limited so sign up now to avoid disappointment.