Executor’s Disease™ – The Next Disaster to Hit You and Your Family?

I call it Executor’s Disease™. It infects your money.

I see the infection every day in my law office. It affects people in all income brackets.

Your money may already be contaminated. I will tell you what this disease does. I will share with you my insider secrets about the disease and how you can find a cure.

Executor’s Disease™ is the new danger that nobody has dared to talk about … until now.

Don’t worry, it’s not contagious.

You cannot pass this disease on like it was a medical condition. It can, however, spoil everything. It does not care about your grand plans for your family or your money.

No Family is Immune from Estate Disputes

You may or may not have a plan for your money. However, estate disputes over money are obstacles that you must anticipate.

Disputes over money can be like a disease. They can cause full-blown, financially devastating lawsuits.

Innocent beneficiaries of your estate become victims.

Why Traditional Estate Planning Won’t Help

Most traditional estate planning advisors focus on tax issues. They are into preserving and transferring wealth. They speak of wealth, meaning your assets, real estate, businesses, stocks, and investments.

Professional financial planners show you how to get maximum benefit from all these assets. They are usually very good at their job. You get to sleep better with peace of mind.

Estate planners help you set up an orderly wealth transfer. Seldom do they get involved in messy estate work or disputes.

However, this is where you come back into the picture. It is critical for you to understand how things have changed. Estate disputes have become commonplace and affect everyone, not just the wealthy.

Over the next while, I will be writing about executors. If you happen to want to learn more about Executor’s Disease™, download my free ebook here.