Estate Probation or Estate Probate – Do You Know the Difference?

“What is involved in the probation [sic] of my parents’ estate?” Cynthia asked.

She had a look on her face that confirmed she hadn’t used the right word.

Well, if you are an executor, you may not have committed a crime probating an estate. But executors can feel like a sentence has been handed down on them.

Serving time, so to speak, as an executor/estate trustee, can take 12-18 months or longer. I have spoken to groups across Canada on executor topics, and I know probating an estate scares people.

Are You an Estate Executor in Waiting?

Cynthia was nervous alright. She was responsible for handling her parents’ estate.
Her parents were about to embark on a 50th wedding anniversary cruise. “What if they don’t make it back?” the daughter wanted to know.

• What am I, as executor, expected to do?
• What should I ask my parents before they leave?
• Should I know where the will is?

Executors Can’t Afford Probate Mistakes

These are all important questions that people ask me each day in my law office.
I have written a number of free guides to help executors. You will find them here.

Want more extensive help for executors?  Read a sample chapter and instantly download Executor Kung Fu as an ebook here. It’s the world’s first self-defence system for executors.