Caution: Wills Are Not Bulletproof

Free webinar – Wednesday, November 17, 7 p.m. EST

You can’t imagine the chaos that can be caused by a bad will.

Your family can be torn apart if you make a will that is not valid.

All of your relatives may have to hire lawyers. They may have to wait a long, long time for a judge to make decisions. Days can turn into months and then years.

It’s not just the high profile, super rich that are involved in estate disputes. These problems can waste 10% to 20% of your estate or more.

Don’t Make These Common Mistakes

Here are some common fallacies:

1. Any will you make is sacred and must be obeyed.

2. Even a badly made will is better than having no will at all.

3. There is no difference between will kits and lawyer-prepared wills.

Do you, or anyone you know, believe these statements are true?

Hopefully, before it is too late, you can learn how mistaken you are.

You Are In Luck

I am hosting a free, 30-minute webinar to explain why wills are not bulletproof.

More importantly, I’ll explain the steps you can take to make your will bulletproof.

Join me on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 7 p.m. for a free webinar at