Category: Wills

Making Your Will – The 12 Critical Steps

All lawyers are not the same. Every lawyer works differently. Before you hire the wrong lawyer to make your will, do your homework. Find out what steps other lawyers will follow. Here are the steps I follow with my clients. What does it cost to make a will?…
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How to Contest a Will

Are you shaking your head and wondering “How could I be left out of the will?” It happens, but there’s an easy solution to your problems. Let me explain. You need a lawyer to prove the other side’s wrong. But just one hour with a lawyer can…
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Avoid Expensive Will Mistakes

Most people want advice. They already have too much information and need help making better decisions. You need to do some homework to make your will. Get a referral to an experienced estate lawyer from professionals you already know and trust. I have written numerous easy-to-read books…
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Wills: Should You Do It Yourself?

Are you tempted to use a kit to create your will? The danger with will kits is that they claim to be "legally approved." Well, that's hardly accurate. Only lawyers can express a legal opinion on a will after you sign it. Will kits or computer programs…
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10 Reasons to Make Changes to Your Will

If you have a will, here are some reasons to update it: 1. You divorce, separate or cohabit with a new partner. 2. Children are born, adopted or you need new guardians. 3. You now have grandchildren or stepchildren. 4. A person named in your will becomes…
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