Category: Wills

Executors: Do You Need to Probate All Wills?

As estate trustee, here are some things you must know about wills: 1. Wills are legal documents. 2. Wills are subject to scrutiny and legal interpretation. 3. Wills can be declared invalid by a court. What happens if Jack’s 2013 will is contested in court? The court…
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Making Your Will – Where Do You Start?

Have you put off writing your will or thinking about estate planning? Perhaps you wanted to wait until you have had more time to ponder all your choices. At least that’s how you rationalized it. But if you don’t write a will, you cannot protect your family…
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What Do You Do If The Will Is Ambiguous?

My wife told me that her dream had an important warning. She described the characters in her dream. “They were wearing red coats. Red means risk and danger,” she said. “Don’t take any unnecessary chances today.” I’m no Sigmund Freud when it comes to interpreting dreams. But…
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Making Your Will – The 12 Critical Steps

All lawyers are not the same. Every lawyer works differently. Before you hire the wrong lawyer to make your will, do your homework. Find out what steps other lawyers will follow. Here are the steps I follow with my clients. What does it cost to make a will?…
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How to Contest a Will

Are you shaking your head and wondering “How could I be left out of the will?” It happens, but there’s an easy solution to your problems. Let me explain. You need a lawyer to prove the other side’s wrong. But just one hour with a lawyer can…
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