Category: Wills

Money Monitor: Leaving money to a secret beneficiary

Is it possible to ever truly leave money in secret to someone after you die? Experts say discreetly leaving inheritance money to someone can be tricky. Toronto estate lawyer Edward Olkovich says large amounts of money taken from a bank account could raise suspicion among loved ones….
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Stop Estate Beneficiary Costly Mistakes

Jonathan called me because his uncle Peter died. “What rights do I have as a beneficiary under Peter’s will? When do beneficiaries need to get legal advice?” “This is a common question when someone dies,” I said. “Your legal rights depend on if you are named in…
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This is my last post in my series Choose Executors Wisely. Here are my previous 4 posts: Make Sure Your Executor Isn’t Dracula The Right Executors Save You Money Choosing Who Protects Your Money Made Easy Who is the Right Person to Protect Your Money Bad executors…
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New Rules for Wills and Estates 2016 Edition

Ed Olkovich, Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law, will speak to the Toronto Chapter of the Chartered Professional Accountants on February 10th. Ed will discuss valuable tricks and traps on: dual will strategies for business owners new estate information returns probate tax penalties and enforcement Get…
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Executors Who Are Professionals Need This Checklist

You are a professional and your client asks you to be their executor. What do you need to know before you say ‘yes’? I identified the top 10 questions you should ask to protect yourself. 1. Are you ready to transfer your professional, impersonal relationship into a…
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Do You Need to Probate a Will for Joint Assets?

I know people are paranoid about probate. If I mention the word probate, some people panic. So let’s have some calm for a minute. I’ll explain some new twists on the subject to save you worry and money. I had an email exchange with Ben, an accountant….
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Follow These New Rules to Retain Estate Lawyers

Jerry was named in his father’s will as the estate executor. The will specified Jerry was to hire the father’s lawyer, Frank, to probate the will. But Jerry had a problem. He lived in North Bay and Frank, the father’s will lawyer, practiced in Toronto. Was Jerry…
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Are You an Estate Planning Zombie?

Zombies are mindless but far from harmless. Zombies approach estate planning in a similar way. Are you mindlessly wandering, like a zombie, without a will or estate plan? Put your heart and mind into protecting your family. Discover the Perfect Plan to Protect Your Loved Ones. Zombies…
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Estate Planning Benefits – News You Can Use

How can you take good care of the ones you love? Read Bob Aaron’s article in his Toronto Star column. He explains what a will and an estate plan can accomplish. You will find valuable tips on: dangers of wills kits dealing with digital assets what happens…
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“Wills and Estate Planning” with Ed Olkovich

 Event Notice: On Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 at Brentwood Library, Ed Olkovich will share his expert tips about making a will. For more information, click here: TPL Wills and Estate Planning – Money Matters – Feb 11 2014.  

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