Category: Wills

Making Wills Easy New Summer Series

Introduction Do you think you don’t need to make your will? This summer series will help you understand why that is a costly mistake you can avoid. If you think you are not ready to make your will, this summer series will get you in the mood….
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Why Use Lawyers to Prepare Wills

Are you still struggling to make your will without using a lawyer? Think you can do it yourself using an online service. No lawyer is involved online to provide advice. There are only dangers, not advantages, of not using lawyers to make your will. Let me describe…
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Executor Investments and Breach of Trust

Estate trustees have investment duties. These duties are defined by courts, statutes and wills. Executors must invest estate funds as prudent investors. Let’s run through some key concepts. Executors don’t want to be sued personally for breach of trust. My new chapters on investment duties and breach…
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