Category: Wills

Estate Planning: Is Changing Your Will Easy?

One advisor asks: My clients left a one-page document with my assistant.  They wanted me to witness their signatures. They left a message saying the paper was a codicil to change their wills. The clients had found the form online and filled it out. Question:  Should I…
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New Estate Features for Advisors

  NEW: Ask Ed I'm inviting you to submit your estate questions to me. I'll select and answer questions in this blog. You can remain anonymous, if you wish. Submit your questions, comments or whatever is bothering you. I hope we can establish a dialogue on estate…
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5 Costly Will Mistakes to Avoid – Free Webinar

Here’s a preview of these estate planning mistakes you want to avoid. 1. Make sure your will is current If your will is not up to date, it can be more expensive to deal with your assets after you’re gone. Changes in your relationships, beneficiaries, or assets…
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Why Is It Always About the Money?

I am going to talk to you about money. Money is what people fight over. Sure, they may use other excuses, but what everything boils down to is money or what it represents. My perspective, as a lawyer, is different. I do estate planning but also help…
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Estate Planning in the Ontario Wedding Season

It’s summer and everyone gets invited to a wedding. Did you know that a marriage revokes all wills? There are exceptions for those wills expressly made in contemplation of marriage to a new spouse. In a Second Marriage Marriage creates new property, support and tax rights for…
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