Category: Probate

Executors: Do You Need to Probate All Wills?

As estate trustee, here are some things you must know about wills: 1. Wills are legal documents. 2. Wills are subject to scrutiny and legal interpretation. 3. Wills can be declared invalid by a court. What happens if Jack’s 2013 will is contested in court? The court…
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Ontario Probate Taxes: New Rules for 2013

Are you interested in saving taxes? As of January 1, 2013, Ontario provincial probate rules have changed. New regulations will impact executors, estate advisors and your estate planning. What you know about reducing probate taxes may be obsolete. There is no longer a tax called “probate tax”…
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New Estate Features for Advisors

  NEW: Ask Ed I'm inviting you to submit your estate questions to me. I'll select and answer questions in this blog. You can remain anonymous, if you wish. Submit your questions, comments or whatever is bothering you. I hope we can establish a dialogue on estate…
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Dirty Fighting with Lawyers

Bob: “You are my lawyer, Jack, and you have to know. Ron is going to fight to get what he wants.” Jack: “That’s why the secret to success is to find out what Ron wants and to see if you can give it to him.” Bob: “Isn’t…
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Attack! Your Urge to Fight Back

Imagine this scene in a Hollywood movie: images of screaming, sword-clashing hordes running towards their enemies. Today we are more civilized and handle our disputes in a courtroom, using weapons like a lawsuit. Our motive, however, is the same; we want to crush our enemies. Lawyers and…
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You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

You feel like your entire house is spinning and you are helpless. Your lawyer, Tom the Terminator, checks the facts and gathers evidence to support your version of the truth. He can then properly advise you on your case and if a judge can give you what…
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Can New Roofs Leak?

Let’s say you need a roof on the new home you are building. You hire Joe the Roofer to do the job. You wake up one day to find water leaking from your new roof. At least you have not paid the last instalment on his contract….
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