Category: Powers of Attorney

Do You Know Why Clients Do Not Make Wills?

The answer may be no one has sold them one.  It’s a difficult sales job. Perhaps estate advisors need to do a better job marketing and educating clients about wills? The starting point may be to give people more persuasive and easy-to-understand information. When it comes to…
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Are You Estate Illiterate?

Have you heard of the Task force on Financial Literacy? ( It describes the need for lifelong learning when it comes to Canadians and their money.  But what does it say about what happens to your money and family when you are gone? The Task Force released…
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Making Estate Planning Simple

My approach to estate planning is different. My purpose is to help you understand the essentials. You can take simple steps to protect your family and money. My aim is to help you with your estate planning purpose. Your money should go straight to the people you…
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Will Your Family Be Caught Unprepared in 2011?

Here is the easiest Estate Planning resolution you can keep. It’ll make sure that your family and your money are protected. Take this quiz. It’s part of my book, Breakthrough Estate Planning: Finding All The Answers You’ll Ever Need. I have included it here for your benefit….
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Can Estate Planning Save Lives?

You never know who may be touched by an organ donation. Read real life stories of my good friend, Dr. Thomas Egan, in North Carolina. His work is saving lives. Visit for more. You can also save lives. You can sign a donor card. Tell your…
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