Category: Powers of Attorney

Is There a Cure for Executor’s Disease™?

Do you play any sports? Maybe golf, tennis, or soccer? Each sport is played with a different set of rules. Unless you understand the rules, you cannot win. Similarly, you must understand the rules for protecting your money and family. Unless you understand the fundamentals, you will…
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Your Free, Easy Estate Planning Guide

I just finished drafting a new report called, Protect Your Family Today – Your Easy Estate Planning Recipe. It is an easy estate planning guide. In it, I explain how and why you are responsible for protecting your family. I’ve made it easy with 3 steps: Step…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 2 of 2

Welcome to Part 2 of How Estate Smart Are You? Test yourself by selecting True or False for each question. Read the answers below. 6.     I can change my will by initialling the changes on the original documents. True □  False □ 7.     My spouse…
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How Estate Smart Are You? Part 1 of 2

Test yourself – select True or False for each question. Then read the answers below. 1.    I need a lawyer to make a will. True □  False □ 2.    Common-law spouses automatically inherit their partner’s estate in Ontario. True □  False □ 3.    I own everything jointly…
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Are You a Parent Without a Will?

You can use this easy bucket list of estate planning tips. Are you a parent that worries like Sarah, Connie or Steve? Sarah and her husband are taking their first break away from their 5-year-old twins. The parents have no wills. Connie is taking a retirement cruise…
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Will EstateTherapy™ Be Your Key to Change?

You know you have to change your ways. You never have time to handle all your work and chores. What about your responsibilities? You have to take the kids to that birthday party, karate lessons, then soccer, visit your parents, and it’s almost Friday. You have already…
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Key Life Events Bring Estate Planning Needs into Focus

In its Executive Summary, the Canadian Task Force on Literacy states, “…financial literacy is an essential skill acquired through lifelong learning…” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Canadians and Their Money Building a brighter financial future Part of that requires everyone to have some estate literacy. This creates those…
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Do You Know Why Clients Do Not Make Wills?

The answer may be no one has sold them one.  It’s a difficult sales job. Perhaps estate advisors need to do a better job marketing and educating clients about wills? The starting point may be to give people more persuasive and easy-to-understand information. When it comes to…
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