Category: Powers of Attorney

Powers of Attorney Lawsuits and Mother’s Day

I have posted a power of attorney story that will interest all mothers. You can read the story, entitled “Why Do You Forsake Family?”, on It is about a mother named Sharon. She has issues with a family power of attorney. Many people do not understand…
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Prepare Powers of Attorney to Prevent Elder Abuse

Will a simple power of attorney prevent elder abuse? Your loved ones can become a silent victim of elder abuse. In many cases, a relative can fall into the clutches of scammers and fraudsters. Family members, caregivers, neighbors or contractors can take advantage of loved ones. To…
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Ontario Power of Attorney Problems

Ask Ed: Submit your estate questions to Advisor Question: Are Home-Made Powers of Attorney Dangerous? Ed’s Answer: Power of Attorney (POA) fraud is common. I no longer recommend that people rely on do-it-yourself power of attorney forms or kits. I‘ll explain the risk, and why clients…
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