Category: Executors

The Executor Roadmap

Your Simple Guide to Avoiding Costly Mistakes on Your Estate Journey The Executor Roadmap helps you reduce stress, focus your time and efforts. Handling another person’s money puts tremendous responsibility on you. Take heart. Most executors have no experience. But you need professional guidance to complete your…
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What to Expect When You Probate Ontario Estates – Part 2

This is a continuation from Part 1, which you can read here. Estate Court Probate Process The estate court staff review estate court applications. They check for issues and can request extra materials. If mistakes or incomplete information are filed, the process can be delayed. Original documents may…
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Executor Investments and Breach of Trust

Estate trustees have investment duties. These duties are defined by courts, statutes and wills. Executors must invest estate funds as prudent investors. Let’s run through some key concepts. Executors don’t want to be sued personally for breach of trust. My new chapters on investment duties and breach…
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Stop Estate Beneficiary Costly Mistakes

Jonathan called me because his uncle Peter died. “What rights do I have as a beneficiary under Peter’s will? When do beneficiaries need to get legal advice?” “This is a common question when someone dies,” I said. “Your legal rights depend on if you are named in…
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In many estates the house may be the most valuable asset. Executors need to reduce the risks involved in managing real estate. Here is a checklist for some of the tricky things to consider. Remember this: As executor, you need more than a checklist to protect yourself….
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This is my last post in my series Choose Executors Wisely. Here are my previous 4 posts: Make Sure Your Executor Isn’t Dracula The Right Executors Save You Money Choosing Who Protects Your Money Made Easy Who is the Right Person to Protect Your Money Bad executors…
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