Category: Executors

How to Choose an Executor

Are you struggling to choose an executor for your estate? Executors handle an estate to fulfill the last wishes of a friend or relative. They are unprepared to handle tax and estate laws, creditors, co-executors and the courts. Lawsuits against executors are becoming common, and they need…
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“Help Me, I’m an Executor”

When a client calls and makes this request, what do you say? Giving your client an executor checklist is of limited benefit. It is also a tactical mistake. What your client really needs is a strategy to help them. That’s why I wrote Executor Kung Fu: Master…
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Why Is It Always About the Money?

I am going to talk to you about money. Money is what people fight over. Sure, they may use other excuses, but what everything boils down to is money or what it represents. My perspective, as a lawyer, is different. I do estate planning but also help…
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Breach of Executor’s Duty

Any breach of executor’s duty can result in a charge of misconduct against them. Here’s a short list to remind you of possible executor breaches of fiduciary duty: •    financial negligence handling estate assets causing loss •    failure to properly invest estate assets •    failure to complete…
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Executor Compensation – Is It Worth It?

“Compensation for your time and trouble” is what the law calls your fee as estate executor. You can probably figure your time is productively worth $150 or $200 an hour back in the office. You need that to cover your overhead. Well, you won’t get paid by…
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Executors: Are You Ready?

If you are a professional advisor, you must say “No” to any client who wants you to be their executor. There are many reasons for this. I will cover them in the next couple of posts. You may not know what dangers lie ahead. You may not…
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Executors: Do you Really Want the Risk?

You are the advisor to Janet and her family. She has trusted you for a number of years. No surprise to you she asks you to be the executor of her estate. How should you respond? Here are 3 things to consider: Does your relationship give you…
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