Category: Executors

Father’s Day Questions to Avoid Arguments

All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. – Leo Tolstoy Here are some tips to avoid arguments over money on Father’s Day. The worst arguments happen when dad (or mom) is no longer in the picture. See which of…
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Legal Costs Drowning Executors Personally

Are you are an executor caught in a challenge to a will? You need to learn the role you must play. Executors must remain neutral. You cannot take sides in a dispute or you put yourself at risk. You can be personally responsible for the legal court…
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Executor Information

Executors, do you need help? Look for Ian MacNeill’s March 2012 article “Plan Your Estate” in Zoomer Magazine. The article mentions my book Executor Kung Fu. This book explains how to be an executor in 3 simple steps. You won’t find these 3 steps anywhere else!  

10 Executor Problems You Need to Identify

A relative named you executor in their will. Now what? It doesn’t mean you have to accept the job and all the responsibility with it. You can refuse to act as executor before you start the job. Want to quit as an executor? Once you start the…
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How to Deal with Executor Problems

Should you decline to act as an executor? Well, you can make an expensive mistake if you don’t. But don’t worry. I can help keep you out of trouble. I can help executors deal with •  Difficult beneficiaries •  Real estate responsibilities •  Foreign assets •  Contested…
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Executor Income Tax Duties

As the legal representative for an estate, executors must do 5 things: 1. File all required tax returns for the deceased. These returns could be personal or for the deceased’s business. Multiple tax returns can sometimes be filed to save the estate money. 2. Hire a tax…
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New Estate Features for Advisors

  NEW: Ask Ed I'm inviting you to submit your estate questions to me. I'll select and answer questions in this blog. You can remain anonymous, if you wish. Submit your questions, comments or whatever is bothering you. I hope we can establish a dialogue on estate…
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Choose The Right Estate Executor

When choosing estate executors, my clients often tell me: • I am afraid of choosing the wrong executor • I have no options when choosing my executor • I postponed making my will because I didn’t know who to choose. As an estate lawyer, I help clients…
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How to Choose an Estate Executor

When choosing estate executors, my clients often tell me: • I am afraid of choosing the wrong executor • I have no options when choosing my executor • I postponed making my will because I didn’t know who to choose. As an estate lawyer, I help clients…
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How Executors Learn on the Job

If you are going to be an executor or choose one for your will, there’s more you need to know. You should know that being an executor is not a badge of honour or distinction. Your job responsibilities are demanding and can take a year or more….
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